The Prayer’s of Black Women

March 16

He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will suffer harm.

Provers 13:20

When my children were young I would tell them why people were good and or bad for them before I removed the toxic person from their life. I had no clue I was teaching and laying the foundation for them in becoming wise when it came to choosing their companions. I only knew it was the right thing to do, especially since I loved them and wanted the best for them.

Strengthening my beliefs when teaching my kids about healthy relationships was an episode on Focus On The Family. A young mother such as myself prayed for her children’s future spouses. From her thoughts it appears she nor I knew what we were truly asking God. Our prayers were lightyears in front of our requests. Hindsight is twenty twenty: In order for our children to pick excellent mates for themselves they had to become wise to relationships.


Lord always protect me and my descendants from harm with your wise counselors.  Amen